People with ADHD-style nervous system are great problem solvers. […] They are affable, likeable people with a sense of humour. They have what Paul Wender called "relentless determination". 
Secrets of the ADHD Brain – 
William Dodson, M.D. Psychiatrist & Leading ADHD Expert.
The main obstacle to understanding and managing ADHD has been the unstated and incorrect assumption that [those with ADHD] could and should be like the rest of us. 
Secrets of the ADHD Brain – 
William Dodson, M.D. Psychiatrist & Leading ADHD Expert.
The first thing to do is for coaches, doctors and professionals to stop trying to turn people with ADHD into neurotypical people.

The goal should be to intervene as early as possible, before the ADHD individual has been frustrated and demoralised by struggling in a neurotypical world, where the deck is stacked against them.
Secrets of the ADHD Brain – 
William Dodson, M.D. Psychiatrist & Leading ADHD Expert.